Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Now it's solved and No need winter to test Mercedes Benz's prototype car

MERCEDES-BENZ now no longer need to wait for the arrival of winter to try the reliability of a homemade prototype car before it is tested to the real world. Because they already have a climatic wind tunnel at the Mercedes-Benz Technology Center in Southern Germany.

Now it's solved and No need winter to test Mercedes Benz's prototype car

With this new facility, the Stuttgart car manufacturer wants to eliminate the need for the necessity of trial of vehicles in real conditions. Possible to the prototype vehicle can still be a secret until the moment it was launched.

Facilities that have the original title 'Klima Windkanal' is able to create their own climate. He can present the most extreme temperatures that might be encountered by a car that is starting from minus 40 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees celsius.

Even the wind tunnel is also able to bring a blizzard of up to hurricane-strength winds of 200 km / hour. But no mention of whether the tool is able also to present an atmosphere that is often encountered sandstorms in the desert region the Middle East.