Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Children who are in a car driven by a grandparent is much safer than being in a car driven by their parents

Children who are in a car driven by a grandparent is much safer than being in a car driven by their parents

There are many who argue that a person who has elderly have a higher risk when driving. Any seasoning argument was given, ranging from decreased reflex ability, memory, until the vision.

However, a recent study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Phildelphia, United States, suggests another fact. "Children who are in a car driven by a grandparent is much safer than being in a car driven by their parents," said by Fred Henretig, Chairman of the Research Team, as reported by the Boston Herald and, Tuesday, July 19, 2011 .

Researchers claim to find evidence, 33 percent of children who were in their grandfathers and grandmothers car to avoid injury when the accident occurred. It happened because the old people (Elderly) is largely driving the old old.

They also adjust the rate at which the condition of the car. In addition, seniors were more concerned with various aspects of security and safety of his grandchildren, ranging from a sitting position, special seats, seat belts, even more painstaking.

The study was conducted during 2003-2007 in 15 states in the United States involving 12 thousand children under the age of 15 years. As for the nanula are researched and drove with their grandchildren on average aged 58 years and over.

Only, other facts also show, it was the children in the country Uncle Sam was not much interested in driving with their grandfathers and grandmothers. The number of children who travel frequently with the nanula was no more than 10 percent.