Sunday, March 20, 2011

Exotic and Amazing Hybrid Cars Work of Artists France

FRENCH- Currently the influential principals of the dinamic automotive world, whether in region of Asia, Europe and America is more often to drive to eco-friendly or green technologies for the vehicles. Both the hybrid model (including plug-ins), electric, hydrogen fuel cells are more developed or it is aimed at reducing global warming.

However, the technology offered to make the current price of the car (hybrid) could triple the gasoline engine. It's no wonder, when marketing of eco-friendly cars still need government assistance and the amount on street is far below the gasoline engine.

Well, creative artists and dedicated teachers from France Thierry Dumaine try to create a concept hybrid car from his imagination which he called Ventile the maximum weight of 350 kg. Principles and works is almost similar to system with hybrid technology, even it's simpler.