Monday, February 7, 2011

HMC has a Plant to Launches Prime Electric Car in China in 2012

Honda Motor Company (HMC) will launch its first electric car in China in 2012. Currently the company is studying the possibility to market the pure electric-energy vehicles in hopes it can boost sales in the country with the largest automotive market in the world.

To smooth the move, Honda is now preparing the test program in several countries including Japan, the United States, and China.Two models are developed more intense, the hatchback Jazz (Fit) and medium sedan Accord hybrid plug-in tested in Saitama, Japan.

Takanobu Ito, President of Honda as reported by Dow Jones, (12/21/2010) says, launching China's first electric car depends on government policy encouraging the use of energy friendly vehicles, fuel efficient and what it is desired to see what strategies local partners. "The opportunity is very good in China," said Takanobu Ito.

However, large market potential in China and support incentives hindered by China's policy of requiring all foreign automakers to transfer technology of electric cars on local partners. The target, China's auto industry could become independent and it apply this new technology in the next 10 years. Well, this policy of course is deemed contrary and detrimental to foreign principals.

Hold Toshiba On the other hand, HMC also announced its cooperation with one of Japan's largest electronics manufacturer, that is, Toshiba Corporation to supply lithium-ion batteries in electric cars.This partnership is continued after Toshiba has become the sole supplier of lithium-ion batteries for electric scooter Honda.

Tomohiko Kawanabe, Head of Research and Development Center for HMC, as reported by bloomberg (12/20/2010) said, previously the company had formed a partnership with GS Yuasa Corporation, which feeds the batteries for hybrid cars. But, the supply of batteries of the Toshiba seems to be more compatible with all variants of electric cars are prepared Honda.

Currently, Honda is preparing hybrid electric vehicles and plug-ins in order to meet government regulations (Japan) related to high exhaust gas emissions. In addition to the above two companies, Honda also has worked with other battery manufacturers namely, Panasonic Corporation and Sanyo Electric Company.

Honda claims that electric cars are being prepared provided the ability to roam up to 160 km per hour every time the power battery is fully charged.