Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fuel Cell is more prospective environmentally friendly and economically than electric or hybrid

Small celebration took place in one room office of the Detroit Airport, USA. The airport authority received two passenger shuttle bus. This was special bus because it used hydrogen combustion. "This new technology supports our commitment to continually reduce carbon dioxide emissions and increase passenger satisfaction," said Lester Robinson, CEO of the Detroit Airport.

Robinson was clearly pleased that the bus manned by 40 people does not produce smell and no noise exhaust gases like a oil-fueled bus. Vehicles named by Ford E-450 also does not wear gear transmission, no need to oil the machine, and do not generate high heat. As a result, maintenance becomes easy.

Hydrogen fuel itself can be produced from hydrocarbons or water. By a generator or fuel cell, hydrogen gas is converted to produce electricity. Byproduct of this process is water. It is compared to electric or hybrid cars that fuel cell car is more attractive for development. He is free electricity from the battery power making it the cleanest cars on the road. Moreover, reaching distance of battery powered cars are still limited.

It is compared by oil-fueled cars that hydrogen cars are obviously more environmentally friendly and economical. Therefore, since the last decade, a number of automotive companies to develop this type of car. National Hydrogen Association of the United States once showcased a hydrogen car in Washington, including the production of General Motors and DaimlerChrysler. General Motors allocated U.S. $ 44 million while making 40 cars fuel cell. Japanese companies, like Toyota and Honda, also do not want to lose. Honda has made 17 hydrogen cars.

Indeed, automotive companies have not produced it in economies of scale due to the high price of hydrogen fuel, of which it is four times the price of regular fuel excluding the cost to develop infrastructure in the form and distribution stations. From calculations, it will need U.S. $ 20 billion fund to make 2 percent of cars in Europe by 2020 hydrogen-fueled vehicles.

What about Indonesia? It is far behind. "its research is still sporadic and there is no national program," said Dr. Achiar Oemry to Tempo, on Wednesday last week. In fact, the researchers from physics Indonesian Institute of Sciences said, hydrogen was very important as an alternative energy future. Even so, Achiar saw a number of obstacles in socializing hydrogen car.

Firstly, automotive technology is still new so that, to the public, it need to show proof. Achiar give example like Singapore. It is assesed more seriously to popularize this type of car. The lion country already has two hydrogen fuel stations. In addition, there are six units of fuel cell vehicles are milling about in the city of the country. Secondly, people are still stuck by the thought that hydrogen gas is dangerous and explosive.

Actually, hydrogen gas has been widely used by Indonesian society, for example in the food industry, petroleum, and electricity generation. "Gas was only for a chemical process, rather than as raw energy," said Achiar. He hoped the government is serious about developing this energy in the amid of rising oil prices and the threat of global warming.