Monday, February 7, 2011

2030 Futuristic Car Concept of General Motor Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp is emphasized on environmentally friendly & electric hybrid technology

Car manufacturer in the world are now competing to create environmentally friendly vehicles or electric hybrid technology. Meanwhile, China is already thinking of city vehicles for 2030, remaining with environmentally friendly technology, which they named EN-V Concept.

Originators is the GM and partner of the Bamboo Curtain country, the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp (SIAC). Both car manufacturers are estimating that by 2030 the world population will reach 8 billion people and 60 percent live in urban areas.

Departing from that view, GM and SIAC conduct research to produce very small and efficient vehicles to be able to pass in the middle of heavy traffic. The result is a concept vehicle of EN-V or short for Networked-Electric Vehicle using two wheels and it can only carry two passengers (including driver).

EN-V vehicles, as quoted is a natural evolution from PUMA or Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibilty. Vehicles have been ever presented by GM and the Segway in April 2009.

Propulsion of EN-V with two wheels is an electric motor. As for balance, a vehicle with a small luggage space is relying on the stabilizer.

The technology also exists in EN-V, it is a drive-by-wire with two motors. it is which one is served as a spur, while the other one as a stopper. Energy obtained from the lithium ion battery is rechargeable. In the full condition, the battery can be used to drive 40 kms.

Meanwhile, the body is made of carbon fiber material, while the windshield using acrylic materials. It is weighing less than 500 kg with a length of only 1.5 meters. Interestingly, EN-V fellow users can communicate with each other because the vehicle is equipped with a GPS system.

The concept of EN-V was made in three versions. There is Xiao, designed by a team of Australian GM Holden. There is also Jiao (Pride) by GM Europe, and Miao (Magic) is worked out by skillful hands of General Motors Advanced Design Studio, California, USA.