Friday, September 7, 2012

How to wash your branded helmet well?

No need of special chemicals to remove the dirt and deodorize. when washed with the appropriate procedures, dirt and odor may disappear and remain shiny helmet. Here are the steps!

1. To wash the foam, do the steps are almost the same. Wash with liquid soap. Dub, if necessary, gently brushed a little on the dirty part (usually on the cheek and forehead) and rinse thoroughly. No need to be soaked! Squeeze gently and dry! Can also be dried in the sun!
2. Do not wash helmets without opening an important component. Keep the inside of the helmet is released as bubbles at the sides and top. Do not worry can not return anymore, because branded helmet is always easier for the owner to remove and install foam on the inside of the helmet.

3. Separate the foam and the helmet shell. Wash shells first. Dampen using plain water, either the outside or the inside.

4. Drizzle the regular liquid soap / liquid detergent / shampoo (if needed use a gentle baby soap special). No need to worry about the paint, because it is basically a branded helmet already has a protective layer high quality paint. Rub with your hands and clean the parts that are considered dirty.

5. Rinse with water to clean and without leaving the helm of liquid soap. Characteristics that helmet still soapy, slippery surface.

6. Dry with a cloth like a chamois. Let dry without drying.

 Branded helmets, because they're expensive, owners have to treat it like a baby. Even a perception, to look after helmets are expensive, the cost is also exorbitant. In fact, do not need a complex treatment that protective headgear it always looks new.

to care for branded helmets actually do not need a lot of cost. Simply wash and a little patience. "Do not use the machine, disposable hand. If you use the machine, it is feared even damage. If you washed yourself, we know the limit, ".