CALIFORNIA - BMW Designworks USA designer Sandy McGrill try to explain why the
white color is now loved by automotive customers globally. According to
the white color was influenced by Apple Inc. rolled out a lot like
lapton, iPod, iPhone and iPad are white.
"The white color is usually synonymous with household appliances such as
refrigerators and fixtures in restrooms. But Apple could change the
perception of it being worth, "said Sandy.
According to
him, before Apple Inc. brings white color to be valuable, most people
assume that white is the color of dirty easily, difficult to clean and
are not suitable for body parts such as glass rim, especially when there
on the car.
Lately white color of choice for consumers who will buy the car. This happens in the global automotive market, as well as in Indonesia, which is now being dilipih white car.
But what can affect it, so now the color white to consumer choice in buying a car and encourage manufacturers to produce his new car with white?