Sunday, March 11, 2012

Knowing more how to make Rolls-Royce

Goodwood - Rolls-Royce brand itself was formed in 1904, following a historic meeting of aristocratic Charles Stewart Rolls and Henry Royce in Manchester, England that eventually created the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.

Henry Royce when it has established a reputation as an electrical engineer and successful businessman, before it swerved into the world of the automobile when the century changed.

While Charles Rolls was a pioneer in the field of automotive and aviation using the manual approach to the nuts, bolts and moving parts, just like Royce.

When the two met, Royce has started a car manufacturing operation in Manchester. Meanwhile, Rolls sells a variety of cars at a showroom in central London.

Both of them expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of imported models, which became the initial basis of their respective businesses. Meeting in Manchester to produce an exclusive right to sell the car assembly Rolls English very well created by Royce through its showroom in London. Rolls-Royce was born.

And as Sir Henry Royce was a perfectionist da nOnly want to create the best car. If it means having to use expensive raw materials, labor-intensive expertise, and quality control that takes time, so he's willing to do so.

Of the many brands of luxury cars in the world, the name Rolls-Royce would not be excluded. But who knows 'ordinance' they make cars?

Apparently the tradition of building cars in the British manufacturer is quite complex and seem still orthodox. Each car alone, should be done by 30 people with a processing time of more than 450 hours to design, build, and polish every Rolls-Royce cars.

In addition, the 'home' Rolls-Royce in Goodwood, South England there are about 1,000 employees, including craftsmen who worked in the workshops of wood and leather. There are only two robots in the paint shop that provides seamless quality of the settlement.

For painting, Rolls-Royce to continue the tradition started centuries ago by the carriage-making industry in which at least five layers of paint and clear coat coatings applied to each Phantom, seven layer if the car comes in two colors.

For each layer of the technicians with hand sanding car bodies. Following the last painting, the car body are carefully polished by hand for five hours to reach the glassy sheen typically seen on the grand piano.

Through the Bespoke program, each of the selected paint color can be specified. Initially this can be done by the customer through the Phantom iPad App, adapted to the color of a tie or favorite lipstick, for example, and then applied to their virtual cars.

By tradition Rolls-Royce, coach-single or double line can also be applied manually, of course. It takes three hours to make a five-meter line by using the best brushes from squirrel or ox.

While for the wood material that is widely available in cars made by Rolls-Royce, British manufacturers are combining skills cabinet maker and shipbuilder with modern technology. Depending on the specification, a maximum of 43 parts of wood on each Phantom. Each composed of 28 layers of wood.

These layers interspersed with thin sheets of aluminum for strength and prevent the outbreak of the timber when bumped. Several layers of compressed, bent, and completed manually before craftsmen cut and applying a suitable coating, and subsequently elaborated, lacquered, polished manually, and given a highlight.

All upholstery comes from a tree trunk is selected and carefully arranged so that the wood grain detail is reflected throughout the interior of each car. Inspired by the J-class yachts of the 1930s, teak deck on the Phantom Drophead Coupe is a nice example of the merging of traditional Rolls-Royce with the best technology.

Teak is used for its strength and its resistance to moisture and decay, but special techniques have been developed to maintain a fresh look, as if completely without processed, so the end result looks almost like a deck of natural wood.

Each deck, which consists of 30 pieces of wood, showing the strain created properly and is protected by a mixture of several oils specially mixed. As with all wood and coatings used by Rolls-Royce, this herb also dihasillkan by a team of specialists.

As for the skin material, Rolls-Royce to use the skin of the Alps bulls are selected manually. Healthy environment and open grassland with no thorns or barbed wire produces fewer natural patches.
Pigment in the skin appearing through immersion in the drum so that the skin Rolls-Royce can be maintained long-lasting softness and elasticity, giving a rich and uniform color while maintaining sensation, tenderness, and fiber.

Each of the 450 parts that make up the interior leather is cut using a laser before hand sewn by experts at the workshop of the company.

For the Bespoke program, Rolls-Royce cars made in accordance with the details of each order customers. Because many customers want the exclusivity of Rolls-Royce and do not want his car matched by anyone else.

At least eight of the ten models of Rolls-Royce Phantom that was sent to clients globally in 2011 to include some custom design elements begin with a special color of paint, coatings inlay, and the footing plate-line coach, to the overall design of the most personal and flamboyant .

In 2011 for example, Rolls-Royce to design cars to Middle East customers who combine intricate eagle motif and beautiful in a car headrest. Spend 40 hours for pembordiran using 11 different threads, the design consists of 21,000 stitches.

Perhaps, one of the features of the order Rolls-Royce is the most beautiful and popular star-studded ceiling, which brings together 1600 tiny fiber optic lights woven leather layer on the roof of the manual to create a beautiful starry sky in the model Phantom Rolls-Royce Phantom Saloon or Coupé.