Sunday, September 16, 2012

Drivers should be careful for new trick

Hongkong, -Video duration of 46 seconds it started when the driver rolled down the highway! Suddenly a young man ran toward the front of the car, the driver had slowed down. He did not stop, instead crashed himself onto the hood of the car and rolled down.

Then the driver out of the car and not directly help, but asking him to wake up. He has also seen her cell phone, such as trying to enlist the help of the police, as well as threatening the boy. The young man then got up and running again.

scam yourself into a car crash that had occurred several years ago vociferous and  big cities, it is also happening in China. One of them was recorded by a camera mounted on the car owner dashboard, the fraudsters were smashing him into the car. The video camera showed clearly "acting" crash fraudsters themselves and pretend pain.