Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chevrolet Corvette's sports car watched by Young players of MU only

England,  -   The ban is by many regarded as a classic decision. However, the United fans were not surprised by the decisive action Fergie. And exposed here is Danny Wellbeck (20), Phil Jones (22), Rafael (22), and Chris Smilling (22) as well as other players.

General Motors Pity really. One of the giant American car manufacturers might feel "useless"to take sponsorship of top football clubs in England, Manchester United.

  Article, when GM Chevrolet Corvette sports car thrust to drive the younger players, the goodwill was actually banned by head coach Sir Alex Ferguson. Perhaps, the noble intentions GM offers Corvette for personal use Fergie broken because there is no clause in the contract.

  Fergie thinks that young players should not be allowed to drive, and he forbade them (young players) driving an exotic sports car. Male geeks that want even more young players to keep their feet on the ground alias just for the sake of kicking the ball.