Monday, August 6, 2012

Lindsay Lohan did over and over again

Damage suffered by the Mustang did look small and not too severe, but it is not known whether Lindsay's car was damaged as well or not.

Lindsay Lohan can not seem to stay away from trouble. After an accident last month, Hollywood celebrities are now again involved in an accident after crashing his Porsche Panamera a Mustang.

In 2012 did not seem like an exciting year for Lindsay Lohan for driving a car. Earlier this year, the Mean Girls movie star crashed into a nanny who was walking while pushing a stroller after he ran a red light in the area of ​​West Hollywood with his Maserati.

Then last month Lohan was known to have a car accident when he crossed the Pacific Coast Highway, California. Porsche rental car driven by Lindsay collided with a truck Tronton. He and his assistant was immediately rushed to the hospital even though it was found that no significant injury.

Further back, in 2007, he was caught driving while intoxicated. At that Lohan was arrested twice in one year for driving while intoxicated.

Now, Lohan was again in trouble when he brought a Porsche crashed again. These celebrities had crashed after shopping in Beverly Hills.

On those occasions, the 26 year old star hit the Mustang that was stopped. "We're sitting (in car) and we hit somebody," the story of a woman who was in the Mustang as  quotes from The Sun.

After 'little accident' was, the woman said that there was a male passenger of the car that Lindsay came out to apologize and leave a phone number.