Wednesday, August 1, 2012

BMW i Store will be firstly located in Park Lane, London

Munich,  - Online sales, BMW i Store are also a great help prospective buyers. Click on the go, all the details of the targeted car will appear. Consumers can also direct memesain if felt appropriate.the weakness, buyers can test drive.

"As a company, we look at each product is introduced it should be profitable, such as the BMW i. This electric car is one of the projects must be profitable since it was first introduced, "said Ian Robertson, Chief Marketing BMW.

i3 and i8
Especially for electric mol, BMW will give special treatment to be closer to potential customers. In addition to online sales, BMW will conduct roadshows around the world for the i3 and i8 with the name of the event, BMW i Born Electric Tour. The tour will begin in Rome, Italy and going to another country for a year.

BMW also plans to expand the sales network of series-i prototype was displayed at once. Particular dealer was named by BMW i Store, for its first location was in Park Lane, London. After that i-store will be built in other countries.

for i3 and i8, it will spend huge investment, about 3 billion. BMW i3 to be priced 40 thousand Euro  and i8 10 thousand Euro which will be introduced next year.

Starting next year, BMW i Store is not just rely on dealers to sell his car, as well as guerrilla through cyberspace. German manufacturers were considered, with online sales, profits can be larger because it did not need to add showrooms and sales force. More effective way with the launch of the BMW electric car, the i3 and i8.