Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Smokers should seriously reject drivers smoking inside their car

According to The Lung Association, cigarette contains over 4000 harmful chemicals and carcinogens will be more dangerous to health as cigarette smoke trapped in the car with limited space. Toxins contained in cigarette smoke can enter the body in the maximum amount and for a short time.

What's more, if the smoke inhaled by children who are growing. Children breathe faster and therefore inhale more toxins than adults.

Passive smokers who inhale cigarette smoke in the car for five minutes each to be in a smoky bar in the same period.

You might think by leaving windows open would solve the problem, but you are wrong. Cigarette smoke is often waft back into the car and will continue to survive in the car for hours.

Cigarette smoke will be trapped in the car seat and the poison will remain inhaled by the passengers of the car even when the smoker has quit smoking.

According to several studies of children to secondhand smoke are more at risk to various diseases.

A report of the Surgeon General, U.S. public health service agencies, in 2006 states that children exposed to secondhand smoke sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory infections like bronchitis and pneumonia, ear disorders, asthma, respiratory symptoms, and growth lungs are sluggish.

In addition, children who tend to suffer from exposure to secondhand smoke and heart disease will become active smokers.

To avoid the situation trapped in a vehicle with a smoker there are a few tips that can be done;
Do not let anyone smoke in your car.

If you smoke, try to leave the office or home more quickly so that you could smoke outside the car first before leaving.

If you travel a lot, try to pull over for a while to smoke outside the car, Make sure your family members or caregivers of your child not to smoke while driving with your child.
Empty the ashtray of your car. Fill with candy or other snacks
Clean your car more often, especially the car seat with vacuum cleaner.

Dangers of cigarette toxins are very dangerous for passive smokers and the higher the risk of poisoning for those who drive with smokers.