Thursday, July 19, 2012

VW Passat variant's relied on achieving the world's largest automotive manufacturer

DETROIT - for the U.S. automotive market, VW Passat variant that relies far managed to score high sales figures. Passat is juxtaposed with other cars like the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry, but the Passat has a high potential and has been getting more attention from consumers.

Volkswagen (VW) AG 2018 target will be the largest automaker in the world. To realize that ambition, VW targets can sell 10 million vehicles in 2018 and need a boost from consumers who are in the United States (U.S.).

"We have a target to become the world's largest automotive manufacturer with sales of 210 million units in 2018. And to make it happen, we are ready to invest massively, "said VW chief Martin Winterkorn Exucutive.

In order to support and realize these hopes, VW has disbursed 170 million euros. The funds will partly be used for the manufacture of a new plant in Urumgi, China's western region, predicted to produce 50,000 units a year starting 2015.

He said the investment fund is not the only way to achieve that hope, it also will expand its sales network in the United States (U.S.) and will give encouragement to every dealership is there to be more active in marketing their products.