Tuesday, July 3, 2012

driving your car while preserving the environment

Berlin: The plan's revealed that Germany will add as many stations in the metropolitan area. In addition, Germany also will build a hybrid charging stations in the corridor between the major cities, which allows the driver hybrid can travel from city to city without a hitch.

 Driving while preserving the environment being promoted Germany. To reduce air pollution and greenhouse effect due to the use of fuels, the German's building hydrogen filling stations in some areas.

Autoevolution media proclaim, Thursday (21/6), the German Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development, as well as several industrial companies signed an agreement to build at least 50 hydrogen filling stations for the public. Hydrogen filling station building was carried out to support the 5000 hydrogen-fueled vehicles are already operating in the country.

Currently, in Germany there are only 15 hydrogen refueling. The Germans continued to switch from oil to hydrogen fuel that is considered environmentally friendly.