Sunday, July 29, 2012

Barack Obama considers applying the fuel cell for all vehicles

Energy Secretary Steven Chu questioned the benefits of hydrogen powered cars and cutting funds fuels car battery research. This was done as Obama's target of one million electric vehicles by 2015.

"There are dramatic changes in the last six to nine months for this need in the future," said the Ministry of Energy and fuel cell research director Scott Samuelsen U.S. National in an interview at a conference in Washington sponsored by Hydrogen Education Foundation.

"That has not been done is a step to meet the needs in 2015."

2015, the year for car manufacturers including Toyota Motor Corp. aims to introduce the first models of battery-fueled in the United States.

Model FCX Clarity Honda Motor Co. and Daimler AG Mercedes Benz B-Class is now available in the states of California and environmental regulations there require a zero-emission cars.

Interest in fuel cell development coincides with the start of Congress to oversee financial aid vehicle model plug-in and battery company A123 Systems Inc. and Fisker Automotive Inc. of electric cars.

On Thursday, Mercedes-Benz fuel cells will open a factory in Burnaby Canada and became the first car manufacturer to a factory producing fuel cells for passenger vehicles.

Mercy said the land area of ​​2,000 square meters will be producing fuel cells.

The U.S. has 56 hydrogen fueling stations, said the Ministry of Energy.

Two aides of President Barack Obama this week called the fuel cell is one solution to improve fuel efficiency. It reaffirms the United States to create optimism for the technology market. Hydrogen fuel cells, popularized by President George W. Bush, but then they were marginalized by the plug-in power n after Obama ruled from 2009.