Sunday, May 13, 2012

Toyota Prius' announced into production by 2015 in the U.S.

TOKYO -  According to Saga Koe, Senior Managing Officer in Charge of R & D Divertrain Toyota, decided to produce the Prius in the U.S. by 2015 and some of its components will be supplied by Toyota plant located in North America.

Furthermore, if the Prius to be produced in 2015, then America will have the latest model Prius gene quarter. One reason Toyota chose the U.S., due to strong demand in the U.S. and Toyota expects Prius sales in the U.S. would be much better.

Meanwhile, the Prius will be manufactured in the U.S. This is the fourth generation, will use nickel-metal hybrid, but for which the production in the U.S. may use the type Li-ion battery.

 In 2008, Toyota has chosen a location to build the Prius in the United States (U.S.). Reportedly, Mississippi became the city selected to build the Toyota plant.

The news had disappeared, and now back to announce that Toyota Prius into production by 2015 in the U.S.. Thus was launched Inautonews, Tuesday (05/01/2012).