Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hybrid cars' brands 're increasingly popular in Japan and the U.S.

Detroit - Hybrid increasingly popular in Japan and the U.S. especially after the government in both countries give a discount. Prius sold in Japan about 2.5 million yen while in the U.S. about U.S. $ 25,000.

During these hybrid cars become the stepchild because the performance is still considered ugly, but that notion seems to have started to wear out. Hybrid cars is now one of the most popular car in the world.
Reported by Automotive News, is a conventional gasoline cars like the Toyota Corolla and Ford Focus into two best-selling car in the first quarter of 2012, but tucked away in third place Toyota Prius. 

During the first quarter of 2012, the Prius sold 247 230 units worldwide, the Ford Focus trail 277.0000 units sold and the number one legendary Corolla car entrenched as much as 300 800 units. 

The Prius is now increasingly sought after new models are launched many call it the Toyota Prius or the Aqua c, v Prius (Prius MPV), and a Prius that can plug into the electrical plug-in hybrid Prius. 

"This proves that hybrid cars like the Prius was not occur by chance, there is the hybrid car market share to prove themselves," said the president of Car Lab automotive consultant, Eric Noble.