Saturday, May 5, 2012

anger and stress becomes most crucial cause of car crash

Washington, It's Conclusion, because it's universal, do not drive when you are stressed or angry anymore!

Many of the factors causing the accident on the highway. Apparently, one of the largest contributors from many minds, or are under pressure alias excessive stress. Causative factor was raised by The Journal of the American Medical Association through the study with a mild case, when the tax payment deadline. The process involves Dr. Donald Redelmeier and colleagues from the University of Toronto Christopher Yanell.

Statistics show the number of fatal accidents on tax deadline day 6 percent higher than normal days. "The deadline is one way to learn the broad level of social stress," explains Dr. Redelmeier.

Research on the case was conducted over 3 months, includes 30-day deadline and the usual 60 days. Within 3 months was recorded 19 541 people were killed. Redelmeier set also revealed, within 30 days of the deadline of 6783 deaths occurred, or an average of 226 people lost their lives in daily accidents. In comparison to 60 days normal12.758 killed an average of 213 fatalities per day.

"The situation can reduce the stress concentration and alertness level of drivers that lead to serious accidents. Other causes are lack of sleep, anger, driving too long and the uprise of alcohol," Redelmeier said.

Redelmeier also confirmed, the results of this study were drawn from the data in the United States (U.S.). These results can be used as a benchmark for considering statistics that have the safety of U.S. roadways are classified accurately.