Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Daimler falls in love with Ducati

Negotiations of Audi and Ducati had gone into the level of the canal but not the only option. Last month, sources with knowledge of the negotiations said the price of Audi Ducati bid 875 million euros

was mentioned to be an alternative buyer to fill a Ducati motorcycle market segments world. This makes the Audi brand to compete to buy the Italian motorcycle. In addition to Daimler and Audi, BMW is also interested in annexing previously Ducati.

Reported by Corriere della Sera, the talks between Ducati and Audi is not the only exclusive deal. Pasalnhya, Daimler is one of the principals who are interested to buy a Ducati.

Ducati owners, Investindustrial reportedly did not want to sell entire stake in Audi and shut out other bidders. The reason, Daimler has become their business partners, offer the possibility of better value.

Daimler was denied the news. "We do not intend to buy a Ducati," said Daimler spokesman quoted by Corriere della Sera - Italian local media, yesterday (01/04/2012).