Sunday, February 26, 2012

What're causes to makes Concentration Broken for driver Increase?

Washington, - It has been anticipated many quarters, especially the Ministry of Transportation United States or the U.S. Department of Transportation. The agency also announced, issued a guide for the use of electronic devices in cars. Car manufacturers are not required to enable (disable) application that allows the driver to access the social media, internet brosing or send texts while driving a car.

What're causes to makes Concentration Broken for driver Increase?

2 Seconds
Jugan is recommended, to disable any technology that requires both hands to operate it and the driver's eyes must be diverted from the road within two seconds.

So far, only the phone that ditunding as breaking the driver's attention, a special calling and sending SMS. "The fact more and more car manufacturers to develop electronic systems in cars that can deal directly with social networking sites or brosing internet," said U.S. Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood (there called Transportation Secretary) who signed the new guidelines.

Application Guide
The U.S. Transportation Ministry has also issued guidelines that could break the driver's attention while providing a recommendation.
· Reduce the hassle and work hand to operate the device
· Limiting the working tool on the one hand (one hand remains on the steering wheel to control the car)
· Limiting the time limit that causes the driver's vision is not on the road more than two seconds
· Limiting the information that does not need to be seen by drivers
· Limit the number of "input" to operate the equipment

Other proposals, recommends turning off electronic work in the vehicle when the road car, except for use by pengumpang (some luxury cars from Germany already apply) and can not be accessed by the driver. The driver can only be used when the car stopped with the transmission rod in position "P".

Another suggestion is to "disable" other applications such as text messaging, internet brosing, brosing social media, enter the destination address in the navigation system, called with a number 10 digits, 30 letters display text that is unrelated to the visual task of driving.

Selling Value vs. Safety
On the other hand, electronic features, such as the applications can access the Internet directly, be the transaction value (sales point) for car manufacturers. In the meantime, the accident caused by driver's attention was split also continues to grow.

According to NHTSA, due to the driver's attention was split, the total casualties reached 3092 people meningkatna pda 2011. Real figure could be even greater. Because, when the collision occurred, there were no witnesses. Hence, the agency will conduct the public hearing (public hearing) about the use of guidelines such devices in the car.

Meanwhile, the flying businesses have created their own technology in car safety guidelines with respect to the more improve application for the use of social networking in the car.

"Driving with a dangerous split attention and has become a deadly habit on American highways. I therefore made it a priority to ask every driver to drive mobillnya focus, "said LaHood.

Added, guide the use of electronic devices in cars is a big step forward, to prevent rupture and valid driver's attention for all ages. Because it is also necessary to know what consumers want without causing broken driver's attention while performing their duties.

More and more car manufacturers plan of communication and entertainment gadgets grafted into the car, also adds to concerns various groups about road safety. Because the device will cause the driver's attention is fragmented and of course it would be dangerous: not only for drivers and passengers, as well as other road users.