Washington, - Currently there are 80 million Generation Y consumers who make hybrid cars more popular.
Do you prefer to own a hybrid or electric car than a conventional engine vehicles? If the answer is no, then you fall into the minority. It was concluded by the Agency and Audit Consultant, Deloitte, in the United States after a 1500 survey of car buyers in the United States, 250 people in China and 300 others in Western Europe from different generations, the Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964), Generation X (1966-1976) and Generation Y (1977-1994).
Results showed that six out of ten participants chose to buy a hybrid or electric cars. While more than half chose to record their energy is greater than ordinary machines. Only two percent are considering choosing a pure electric car.
In conclusion, Generation Y who are struggling more inclined to choose a hybrid or electric cars. The reason, pressing expenses. The same thing is expressed also by Craig Giffi, Vice Chairman and Chief Automotive, Deloitte. "Generation Y y will lead us away from the conventional-engined cars and a trend setter for hybrid or electric cars."
Added, this conclusion can be realized with a note, Generation Y felt I knew the benefits, durability and maintenance of hybrid cars. "So far they have not been able to receive an electric car technology," he added.