Sunday, November 20, 2011

Green Car of the Year, ups! I means this Year

Over the past four years, GCOTY was won by tech of hybrid cars (Chevrolet Tahoe in 2008), diesel engine (Volkswagen Jetta TDI in 2009 Audi A3 TDI in 2010), and plug-in hybrids (Chevrolet Volt in 2011).

Green Car of the Year, ups! I means this Year

Five cars made ​​in Japan, America, and Europe in the fight each other to get the "Green Car of the Year" at the exhibition at the Los Angeles Auto Show 2011.

As reported by Autoblog, Friday, November 18, 2011, the fifth car is a Honda Civic Natural Gas, Electric Ford Focus, Mitsubishi i, the Toyota Prius and the Volkswagen Passat TDI V,

Ford and Mitsubishi vehicles that are fully electric power. Toyota's hybrid technology, Volkswagen with a diesel engine, while Honda's use of natural gas.

The automotive industry in the future will focus on environmentally friendly and economical vehicles. For that there should be a variety of fuel options, the price and type of vehicle, so that consumers can freely determine the need for a car is needed.