Monday, October 10, 2011

TruTouch can check the levels of alcohol in the blood of the driver

Detroit - It is a parts manufacturer of Takata and its partners are developing a tool that is TruTouch can check the levels of alcohol in the blood of the driver when the driver started the engine through the engine start-stop button.

Features in the car in the near future will be increasingly sophisticated. Looking ahead, with just one touch, the car can tell if you are drunk or not.

Currently, the measuring device for measuring the alcohol content of a bread box and an infrared sensor. As reported by Detroit Free Press, Kirk Morris Vice President of Takata  said it would shrink the size of the tool and make it more affordable so that a commercially viable market.

"This tool aims to reduce the disturbing number of motorists on the streets," he said.

Actually, to check the levels of alcohol, there has been a tool called a breathalyzers. This tool was developed by Japanese manufacturers.

To develop this unique instrument, Takata get a grant of U.S. $ 2.25 million from the Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety (ACTS) to make this tool marketable.

"Breathalyzers annoying because you have to exhale into it. If you want to apply the technology to be practiced daily, it should be easy to do. By simply pressing a button, then it's easier," the reason.