DETROIT, - In a piece written article, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Rick Wagoner and GM Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Fritz Henderson visited the offices of Bill Ford (FMC boss) and ask for help. Precisely, requested that the
two companies merged in one in 2008, when the
global financial crisis.
Ford's one alternative to GM for being the only automotive manufacturer in the U.S. who "saved" from bankruptcy. Bill Ford and then submit this plan to the CEO, Alan Mulally joined FMC his COO, Don Leclair. When met, the proposal was rejected by GM Ford. "No, thank you. (Cooperation) will never run smoothly," said
Bill Ford.
If both GM and Ford when the alliance, the total U.S. car market will dikuasai38 percent. The plan never materialized and now GM is doing their own work with an injection of funds from the government.
News from the New York Times earlier this month (1 / 10), say,
General Motors Company plans to merge his company with compatriot rival,
Ford Motor Company (FMC). This fact is written in a book titled "
Once Upon a Car: The Fall and Resurrection of America's Big Three Automakers, GM, Ford and Chrysler" by
Bill Vlasic.