Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Revenge of the Electric Car 's released along with Tesla S. Beta's production

LOS ANGELES, - Simultaneously the plan of premiere of this film, one brand or manufacturer of the car that come into the spotlight highlighted or major, that is the Tesla, to savor the moments directly to promote his latest electric car, the Model S sedan Beta - according to the story, beating Porsche acceleration. For 0 -96 km / h in just 5.6 seconds.

The many activities of the automotive world that the story be filmed, either in widescreen or later converted to DVD format. Call it the animated film Cars, Tranformers, 2Past, 2Furious (two last film series), the Torque and so on. The latest is "Revenge of the Electric Car" a nature documentary, began airing this week in the cinemas in Los Angeles (premieres October 21 to 23).

Revenge of the Electric Car, directed by Chris Paine, bringing the audience closer to electric car manufacturers like Nissan (Leaf), General Motors (Chevrolt Volt) and the Silicon Valley, Tesla Motors. The story, about an electric car resurrection or retaliation.

Carlos Ghosn
This film tells, in 2006, thousands of new electric cars destroyed by the company that makes. Today, five years later, the electric car is back ... with a vengeance!

What is an electric car revenge? According to the site Revenge of the Electric Car, electric car trying to win a race without a single drop of foreign oil! That's why this car considered seagai future of these United States. The philosophy adopted for the electric vehicle: Fast, Furious and Cleaner than ever. Fast, fierce and Cleaner than ever.

the appearance of the automotive industry figures are already well known in the world, especially with the innovations and breakthroughs. These figures are like the CEO and President of Renault and Nissan, Carlos Ghosn (nicknamed Warriors), CEO of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk (Rocket Man), Former Vice Chairman of GM, Bob Lutz (Mr. Detroit) and its own electric car maker Greg "Gadget" Abbott (The Outsider) with narrator Tim Robbins. Further, Chris Paine is also director of "Who Killed the Electric Car.

Now almost all car manufacturers the world trying to make electric cars the latest model. Revenge who follow the race is not just a winner, also the best, winning the hearts and minds of the world public. In addition, Revenge, in addition to friendly environmentally friendly, as well as expectations of future generations.