Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shaima Jastaina, get sentences of guilty for steering the car without the permission of the authorities

JEDDAH, - Only 48 hours later from the announcement of the King, the court ruled in Jeddah, the sentence 10 times lash against women who break the law, which is steering the car. Collected from news agency Associated Press (27 / 9), the performer named Shaima Jastaina, get sentences of guilty for steering the car without the permission of the authorities.

Earlier this week, the majority of females in Saudi Arabia can smile with a speech by King Abdullah, who said, would enlarge the rights of women as citizens. A development of the monarchy that sets women now have a voice in city elections from 2015.

Typically, the traffic policy of Saudi Arabia would stop cars being steered by women and release again. Each violator was forced to sign a promise to not do it again in the future.

Women2Drive News of the decision of this court to be barriers to overcome a number of women activists who involve campaign of Women2Drive Saudi Arabia since June 2011. When this campaign came, the Arab governments decided completion aggravate the sentence for each violator. It has been determined to fight for his rights, thus driving more and more women in the Arab street.