Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New discourse of Tata is to develop Machine in coorporation with Jaguar and Land Rover

OWNER Tata Motors, Ratan Tata confirmed that the company's annual report, India's car manufacturers have to develop a discourse with the engine division of Jaguar Land Rover (JLR).

New discourse of Tata is to develop Machine in coorporation with Jaguar and Land Rover

"To optimize the power of the synergies between JLR and TataMotors in India, a study was conducted in collaboration enginedevelopment program that will have manufacturing facilities both in India and in England," said Ratan Tata.

Tata Motors is currently the owner of Jaguar and Land Roverbrands that bought in 2008 from former owners of Ford. With this joint development of engines make the car manufacturers are freedfrom the bond on the previous owner.