Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ford's working to fix the engine problem so that Ford Focus are stagnant

Detroit News reported that according to insiders who do not want to be named, Ford is working to fix the engine problem in one part of the plant in Saline. But so far they have not found a bright spot.

Ford's working to fix the engine problem so that Ford Focus are stagnant

Due stagnated supply of components, Ford had difficulty to meet the increasing demand for the latest variant of the Ford Focus 2012 dashboard as a result of supply disruption. Skin maker engine compartment lid at the Ford factory having problems.

According to the Detroit News, to overcome the problem, Ford was forced to take an unusual and expensive that is flying them out of Europe to sustain the production of Focus on the assembly line.

Despite costly efforts that were done, it still can not make the Focus plant near Detroit was running normally. It said again, the problem arises when high gasoline prices and the scarcity of small Japanese cars that make the Focus more in demand.

Ford spokesman Todd Nissen said that made it company policy not to comment on the situation inside the factory. But he said the Saline plant will continue to make a dash for the Focus.

Chevy Cruze made in Lordstown, Ohio, which operates in three shifts every day to meet demand, while Ford's assembly plant in Wayne, where the Focus is made, operate with only two shifts.

Although hit by the problem, Ford's managed to sell over 21,000 units last month's Focus, which makes Ford as the largest seller of passenger vehicles, although still less 3500 units under the Chevrolet Cruze made by General Motors.