Saturday, July 30, 2011

biofuels made ​​from sawdust is very promising

FILL your vehicle fuel tank with sawdust does not sound plausible. But University of Calgary in Canada to find a way to obtain biofuels made ​​from sawdust that someday could be used as vehicle fuel.

biofuels made ​​from sawdust is very promising

Since three years ago a team of researchers from the University of Calgary managed to make a fuel derived from sawdust. The team, led by Dr. Nader Mahinpey has managed to find a way to convert organic waste into biofuel.

The team is to concentrate themselves on thermochemical conversion technology for extracting oil from waste. Previously, biofuels derived from crops that can be eaten like sugar or corn.

The use of foodstuffs into fuel was actually causes negative impacts of the food crisis and soaring food prices. By utilizing the waste material is unlikely to cause problems.

In the meantime, the oil produced from sawdust team's findings of Dr. Mahinpey not be used for automotive fuel source. However Mahinpey sure someday oil from sawdust can be used in the transportation industry.