Wednesday, June 8, 2011

tow truck is fuctioned as Electric Charger for the General Strike of electric cars

YOKOHAMA-If the car gasoline and diesel run out of fuel on the road, many car owners to understand what will be done. Well, what if the strike is an electric car?

tow truck equipped with a charger to charge the electric cars

The battery is discharged, while the place or station (charger) battery is still far away? This is done by Nissan - one Japanese manufacturer that has been mass-produced electric car - prepare a "crane charger". Precisely, towing vehicles that have been equipped with a charger or battery charger.

According to news released by Nissan Nissan Motor Co. today, to help users of electric cars that had stalled because of the energy the battery is empty and needs to be filled again, has been working with the Japan Automobile Federation (JAF) to prepare the service.

The plan, relief on the road test will start tomorrow (07/06/2011). JAF towing vehicle which will provide assistance, already equipped with a charger! Also described, cooperation plan gives relief to owners of electric cars that can be done JAF strike this year.

Actually, since 10 December, JAF has conducted training to help owners of electric cars that had stalled with Nissan LEAF, termasu mendereknya way. He further, JAF has also conducted training to give particular attention to the car owner bantuah listrikbersama Japanese car companies sharing.

Hitoshi Kawaguchi, senior vice president OfExternal & Government Affair Nissan Motor Co. said, "Because electric cars began to receive consumer, it is imperative to provide assistance when they strike. This will greatly assist owners of electric cars that run out of battery energy. In addition, continuing to build infrastructure charging. "