Saturday, June 4, 2011

Nissan Leaf can prove to Travel long Distance of 1245 km in 24 Hours

ONE more events was really able to prove the reliability of electric vehicles. After proving himself Tesla electric car exceeded 100,000 km, now turn Nissan Leaf successfully dismissed the notion that electric cars are not suitable for long trips.

YouTube dan All Cars Electric

To prove it, two Dutchmen Nissan Leaf run as far as 1254 km in just 24 hours. They repeated several times to shock the battery hatchback using quick-charge station during a mission for '24 Hour Electric Vehicle Road Trip '. It is estimated that these vehicles perform charging as much as 10 times.

And the result, the activities carried out by Michiel Langezaal and Lars Bech is running normally, can not find symptoms of overheating (overheating) in its ion baterailithium and a long trip does not require a tow truck.