Sunday, June 12, 2011

jammed On Road, Men are More Stress than Women

LONDON - Loss, a scourge for all riders, both men and women. We will be faced with a situation like that, not only annoyed, irritated, and angry that jumble together, but elevated levels of stress, too. And, in fact between men and women are not equal.

Congestion on the road to make more male than female stress

That is the result of research conducted by the navigation company of Tom Tom from the Netherlands. Apparently, men are more rapid stress, seven times higher than women when stuck in traffic.

This conclusion is obtained from calculations performed by a British psychologist who measured levels of stress enzymes contained in saliva driver while stuck in traffic jam. Noted, the level of stress women increased 8.7 percent, while men can be sped up to 60 percent of normal conditions.

This condition eventually could not nourish the body, causing symptoms of pressure on the heart, dizziness, shortness of breath till. However, from this study also found that 50 percent of men did not recognize him anymore stress on the first 20 minutes, then realized.

Back to the results of the study, found 48 percent of all car users commuting daily over potentially exposed to stress on the road and derivatives diseases that follow. Expert psychologists explain, men have a tendency to tackle the problem by always using a concept called the fight or flight. Which means, directly encountered or avoided. The problem, in traffic, two things can not be done until the end of high emotion and anger.

While women are more flexible as they often seek distraction with the help around him. For example, listening to music on the radio believed a person could reduce stress levels.

From this study also noted nearly 77 percent of drivers in the UK choose to listen to music while jamming, while 23 percent own singing. Other activities undertaken, namely call relatives (16 percent), eating or drinking (20 percent), and wearing cosmetics (3 percent).
