Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cuba is Glancing Hydrogen for Transport

Cuba is known as a country where old cars still in use. Nevertheless, people in the 'village' Fidel Castro is also interested in the fuel of the future.

Cuba is Glancing Hydrogen for Transport

According Carbonel Tania Morales, director of the central assessment of renewable energy technologies, Renewable Energy Technologies (CETER), an archipelago that was mepelajari hydrogen as an alternative energy source for vehicles.

At an international conference for renewable energy, energy saving and education to-7, Morales explained that the students at Jose Antonio Echevarria Higher Polytechnic Institute, is actively studying how to utilize hydrogen in the transport sector.

He said that the National Hydrogen Group in Cuba is conducting trials utilizing hydrogen as a fuel source ground transportation. Facing shrinking oil reserves, hydrogen could one day revolutionize the transportation industry.

Meanwhile, CETER indicates that hydrogen has been successfully implemented and tested thoroughly on student transportation in the city of Aragon Spain.