Monday, May 23, 2011

Mercy Will Manufacture "Supercar" Based on the biome in 2015

Stuttgart - The second week of November, Mercedes-Benz continues to surprise. First, when the Design Center (R & D) company in California show car concept in actual size and shape at the LA Auto Show Design Challenge (exhibition ends today).

Previously estimated that Mercedes will display a rendering or sketch of the competition. Understandably, Mercedes-Benz through a release saying that the concept car can grow like a plant.
Latest surprise-after BMW announced it would produce ActiveHybrid based Vison EfficentDynamics in 2013-Mercedes supercar will reportedly be made environmentally friendly and fuel efficient. Although details have not disclosed, according to Autocar, the supercar-based coupe and will be launched in 2015.

Another interesting thing from the car, its design inspired by the radical concept of biome. Latest concept car, Mercedes-Benz has a posture that is very compact and flat. It can be seen from the dimensions: length 4040 mm, width 2500 mm, and height of 1.200 m (height almost equal to the BMW ActiveHybrid, namely 1240 mm). The format of this car's interior is 2 + 2.

Previously reported that the biome is a fission (cell division) of the world. Mentioned, the biome is a car that grew from two seeds. One seed of a star that gave birth to the car's interior with DNA from Mercedes-Benz. Other dalah seed capsules that create the exterior. After the two were united, was born into an imaginary construction BioFibre and BioNectar4534, as shown in the picture.

Source: worldcarfans