Monday, May 16, 2011

Justin Bieber's Cadilac Auctions will be performed soon

Justin Bieber fame around the world no doubt, until - until an American car manufacturer, Cadillac took and recruited the talented young artist together to perform noble goal.

justin bieber on red cadillac

Yup! Cadillac announced last week that his company has decided to auction off a car with a package called Justin Bieber.

Later, the results of the auction will be donated to Cure Duchenne nonprofits. Starting April 25 and until May 1, they are willing to put their offer on the official website. This campaign will also be advertised on Clear Channel and Sirius / XM.

Fun, in addition to getting a car, later the winners will also get concert tickets of Justin Bieber for 2 people which site they can select their own concerts. Justin Bieber latest album Never Say Never - The Remixes also will be given.

"Decisions made Cadillac none other than to collect money. Bieber is only the manufacturers to help fund Duchenne research or, at least, help to alleviate the suffering of those affected by genetic muscle diseases," wrote the Cadillac in his official statement on Wednesday (04/27/2011) .

Genetic muscle disease that currently affects 20,000 boys and young men in the United States, those affected are diagnosed at the age of 5 years, will suffer paralysis at the age of 12 years, and can really paralyzed at the age of adolescence.

"Cadillac has been impressed with the tireless efforts of Cure Duchenne to seek new and innovative ways to treat and eventually cure the disease that destroys muscles," confessed by Don Butler, vice president of marketing Cadillac.