Friday, May 27, 2011

it's simple but crucial for Armored Cadillac Limo for Barack Obama

Once sworn in on January 5, 2009, Barack Obama will use a new presidential car, which is a black Cadillac limousine. This is not an official statement the White House with President now, GW Bush, but analysis of a photographer-spy special about the cars that will be launched or developed (the future) by automobile manufacturers in the United States-Chris Doane.

President Barack Obama's latest Cadillac Limo

Amazingly, Chris knows the car has been tested and successfully menjepretnya on last summer. At that time he made the conclusion, limo Cadilac being tested on public roads that will be used as a vehicle of the United States presidency in the future. At that time, Barack Obama has not been elected as president, still compete with separtainya colleague, Hillary Clinton.

Mouth Shut
United States elections, precisely on October 30, 2008, it says about the "Presidential Power on the Road" at The New York Times (NYT) written by Gregg D Merksamer. New Times also displays the images Cadillac limo shots are still dikamuflase Chris Doane. At that time, the NYT just wrote about a car that will be prepared for Obama or McCain.

However, after Barack Obama was elected president, emerged again a story about a car that will be used later during the presidential duties by other automotive magazine.

Not easy for reporters the United States to obtain data that is used as a car Cadillac president, either now, or in the future. Interested parties, both makers, as well as secret officers who handle the car, all of them shut up.

Given the current presidential car had been used since 2005, the hunters to make sure the news, on the future government, the presidential car will be replaced. Because of the difficulty of finding information and data, Gregg D Merksamer who pursue the presidential car for nearly 30 years just to review based on observations by video clips of television news.

According to Chris Doane, the photographer who managed to slingshot the car that will be used by Obama, when tested, the presidential limousine the United States is basically a GMC Topkick, GMC truck-sized artificial. The conclusion is based on 19.5 inch tires Goodyear Regional RHS used this limo. With this addition he concluded Cadillac weight to the president's heavier than the version to the public.

According to Gregg, Cadillac limo used by GW Bush's body is made of steel plate with a thickness of at least 5 inches (12.7 cm), nearly two times thicker than the presidential limousine in 1980-1990.

"I do not know the thickness of such car safety glass. However, half-inch glass adequate to hold the .44 magnum bullet. When the thickness from 1.25 to 1.5 inches, the bullet from the rifle will not penetrate it, "commentator Gregg.

Described, to hold the bullet, the first part of the body is made of hard material. After that add soft material to absorb energy bullets. Traditional materials are two pieces of steel, reinforced with aluminum, titanium, and ceramics.

Cars teaser
Now the car is equipped with a convertible or sunroof is rarely used for the presidency. The President also limit their interaction with the public while in the car. In the presidential cars now, even though the condition is a closed meeting, the president's presence can be found by turning on interior lamps. In this way, the president will face clearly visible from the outside.

The car also dillengkapi president with a special binder on chassis. The goal, when the car is taken abroad during a state visit, you can take them with jet aircraft military goods. In addition there is also a special car for backup and inducement.

Although the presidential limo is very interesting for collectors, in fact none of the former White House car fell into private hands. When out-of-life, the car was destroyed or used as a training secret forces.

That's how the superpower that maintaining the confidentiality of presidential car!