Wednesday, May 18, 2011

French Racers protest for Radar

PARIS-Thousands of drivers, both motorcycles and cars in France protest against the government about the new traffic regulations which prohibit the use of radar. In two days, carrying more than 80,000 people have posted through the social networking site Facebook by AFFTAC (associate producer of the radar detector speed camera locations / speed camera) to support the protest.

As reported by thenewyorktimes (16 / 5), this radar is able to alert the driver when crossing the road there are speed-camera (recorded by pilisi). So, when driving in the area, violations can be avoided consumers.

The purpose of this prohibition to reduce the accident rate with 12.8 percent smaller target number of deaths during the first quarter of 2011. The threat of fines has been prepared in the form of money 1500 euros. Parties AFFTAC admitted carrying 5.1 million riders in France using this radar and threatened fines.

To protest, AFFTAC invites motorists to massive demonstrations in the street. The decision taken by the government in the eyes AFFTAC judged "Not Fair, Not Fundamental and Blind!"


The ministry said it had set up related regulations of other supporters in order to provide a deterrent effect for the rider who likes racing on the road. How, if so far on the location of speed-camera is placed signage, will be eliminated. That way, speeding motorists will be "captured" by the camera license plate.

Over the past year, the police could cause it 12,727 riders in the points now there's no signage. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry of France Pierre-Henry Grandet added, adds to reach 4.6 million motorcyclists last year's ticket.