Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Favourite car of Osama Bin Laden, Land Cruiser accompanying him for 27 years

Midnight May 1 when the United States, President Barack Obama from the White House announced that a small team of U.S. military had attacked a house in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The attack succeeded in killing Osama bin Laden.

Locals stated that, in a high-fenced mansions were often seen in and out of expensive SUVs, Toyota Land Cruiser, and a host of other expensive cars. Could this car be belonged to Osama?

If it was true, the habit of using the Land Cruiser Osama was unchanged for 27 years. In the book "The Osama bin Laden I Know, Peter L.Bergen revealed,"I still remember Osama bin Laden driving a LandCruiser colored like desert in 1984, at a camp near Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. "

Bergen is a CNN reporter who had interviewed bin Laden in 1997.The interview was then to signifies the declaration of Osama against the United States and its allies.

In the report Zimbio, neighbors Osama said, not many know the activity in the house. However, there were two people who regularly appear in a meeting with residents, such as at funerals.Meanwhile, officials said about 22 people live in the complex which had no home phone and internet connection.

Salman Riaz, film actor, said he and a film crew was taking pictures near the house about five months ago. But the guard told them to go. "He said it is prohibited (in Islam)," stated by Riaz.