Sunday, March 13, 2011

We will do anything to save our world concerning to alternative energy, even using human faces in septic tankkind

Research is to find alternative fuel sources because of the declining reserves of conventional energy which it continues to be done and new proposals coming from Norway is in the septic tank.

The experts develop the potential of methane gas in human feces to be a source of energy transport system in the country town. Gas has been used previously to develop electrical energy, from waste and animal dung.

Oslo city government said that energy source meets all the requirements of environmentally friendly low-carbon alternative energy sources, low pollution, and most importantly, it is updated every day.

The energy generated is not large, dirt of one person in one year can only create the energy equivalent to eight liters of diesel fuel, but the number was large when it is multiplied to total population of Oslo.

Besides it is also important that the energy source does not threaten the reserve food commodities such as corn, sugar cane, or coconut oil, which it is being developed as an alternative fuel materials to meet the needs of the world's energy and transport systems, but it makes food prices soar.

Oslo city government expressed readiness to take advantage of that energy source to operate the buses in the city in 2010