Sunday, March 6, 2011

This is not dream again that the fact of Bulk Electric Car will come true

Filling the energy to the vehicle by plugging in the cable will replace the contents of gasoline into the tank.

That new reality is shown in the exhibition North American International Auto Show this year is followed by many manufacturers.

Plugs, wires and other components to charge pure and hybrid electric vehicles, becomes prominent at the show.

A new way is also a preview of that car companies preparing to replace a gas station in the 21st century.

Although the mileage to the battery remains a major speech of the press conference during a preview for the media last week, it also discussed the long recharging electric cars and safety during an accident.

Ford Motor, which features an electric version of the Focus, is one manufacturer who attempt to shorthen recharging time.

Sheriff Marakby, Ford's director of electrical engineering, said the cars recharge their products only half the time which it takes a car like the Chevrolet Volt or Nissan Leaf.

Achievement is thanks to an onboard charger 6.6 kilowatts and Ford to make sure that the charging cycle will not damage the battery.

Ford says the batteries will be good for at least 10 years and it will last at least 5000 charge cycles and fast.

For first-generation electric car, Ford intends to limit the speed of charging the battery into 240 volts alternating current, known as the C2 level, rather than moving to a high voltage direct current charging C3.

Customers will be able to get quick branded Ford's charger 240 volt installed at a price of approximately $ 1,500.

Volkswagen electric car, scheduled to be produced in 2013, also will offer a plan for rapid charging.

The car, called Blue-e-Motion, will charge the battery for 3.5 hours at 240 volts AC voltage, or half an hour filling to the 80 percent use high-powered DC, said Sven-Oliver Mundermann from the research and development of VW.

Quick charge could reduce battery life, so that VW will not recommend to use it everyday.

Cars keep tabs on their drivers that it seem to definitely be a part of the future.

VW Golf monitor the rider and if the driver forgot to charge, then it automatically direct the system to work.

Electronic versions of the Ford Focus driver automatically build a profile based on information recorded by driving the vehicle key rings.

Profiles of driving habits and techniques is useful to estimate the distance that it can still be pursued.

In partnership with MapQuest, the choice of routes can be evaluated, says Ed Pleet, manager for services connected at Ford Motor.

Are electric vehicles as safe as regular cars tested extensively in crash safety over the years? That is the question of prospective buyers. Views Volvo C30 in the exhibition include models tested for safety to demonstrate what it happens impact of 40 miles per hour.

"We found a battery that needs to be installed in the car far from the zone of folds designed to reduce energy and destructive form," said Stefan Jacoby, chief executive of Volvo Cars.

Peer battery maker Volvo, Ener1, designing a system of "separate battery" for cars, with half the battery in the central tunnel between the seats and the other half under the back seat. C30 perform hit-testing in the laboratory Volvo in Gothenburg, Sweden last month, with a lithium battery is fully charged. Volvo reported batteries and wires remained intact.