Thursday, March 3, 2011

Several electric vehicles become one of the best and revolutionary technology

I had bad experience when I was elementary school. I keep in touch eletric tools and i am grateful that i still keep living until now. That is why it is common sense to to observe in detail about electric for emphasize on anything about electricity. I realize that electric energy is one of important thing to our life. I am prefer bicycle to other vehicles and I suggest you to take electric vehicles for the sake of saving the world.

An electric vehicle (EV), also referred to as an electric drive vehicle, uses one or more electric motorsfor propulsion. Electric vehicles include electric cars, electric trains, electric lorries, electric aeroplanes,electric boats, electric motorcycles and scooters and electric spacecraft.
For the sake of overcoming global warming, the interest is always focused on the evironmentally friendly things due to save the world and it means saving human existance. All the inovative and revolutionary technology is the way of human being to survive in the world. And that is why it is important to check the several

I would like to be happy concerning the human being extraordinary progress for human existance such as the emergence of some fairly revolutionary technology. Here are the best technologies that emerged during the year 2010.

1. Apple iPad
Apple's cool-handed in spawned an electronic product. This company knows exactly how to package a product that even by its competitors have not peeped again. After years of failed tablet computers popularized by Microsoft, Apple makes 2010 as the beginning of the rise of a tablet computer.

Apple did not move all the functions of this laptop into a tablet, but it is brilliant to bring aspects of light entertainment such as video, music, games, internet and digital books or newspapers into the iPad, with finger-touch interface that's fun.
One analyst said that IPAD is a non-mobile electronic devices is the fastest selling in history. No wonder if then the computer vendors in droves to follow Apple's footsteps make the 'pad-pad' the other.

2. AR Parrot Drone
AR Parrot toys are the latest generation of aircraft are very sophisticated. Unlike other long-distance plane berkendali he took advantage of the iPhone and iPad as a controller via a Wi-Fi network.

His ability to float stably in midair obtained thanks to the accelerometer, gyrometer, and altimeter ultrasound. Balanced with the flexibility to control the user again through the camera and other sensors that can automatically adjust the work of four motor-driven propeller.
Fun again, through the iPhone and iPad screen, users can also play video games Augmented Reality technology, which will simulate the presence of enemy planes virtually.

3. Neato X-11
Neato X-11 is a cheap home cleaning robot with sophisticated technology. This robot uses a laser system to map the floor you want cleaned. Robots that use technology Room Positioning System (RPG) can automatically avoid obstacles and be able to detect collisions.

He knows where the walls, furniture, doors, and objects up to 4 meters tall. With his less than four inches (about 10 cm), this robot can go under the bed or chair to clean the dirt that is not affordable.

When finished cleaning the house, this robot will automatically return to its original place to recharge. Robots for U.S. $ 400 (USD 3.6 million) can be programmed to clean the house every day, so the house can always be shiny.

4. Martin Jetpack
Martin Jetpack is the vehicle of the future that can bring users into the air like James Bond. Previously, an inventor from New Zealand spent almost 30 years to develop 'clothing jet' a kind of a less practical, named Bell Rocket Belt, in 1961.

However, the Martin Jetpack can be regarded as the first jetpack that can be practically used. This tool has a frame made of carbon fiber composites, with a capacity of 200 horsepower engine - even more powerful than the Honda Accord sedan - which is moving a pair of rotors from carbon-Kevlar material. Theoretically, the Martin jetpack can bring users up to 8,000 ft airs or 2438.4 meters.

However, gasoline-fueled vehicles this can only be used for 30 minutes. Martin Jetpack will face a series of tests next year, and plans to sell for around U.S. $ 100 thousand or approximately USD 900 million.

5. Calera Cement Reefs
The current cement made from limestone. However, usually cement from limestone requires a process of heating until the temperature reaches 1426 degrees Celsius or 2600 degrees Fahrenheit. Warming makes limestone releases carbon dioxide. U.S. Department of Energy said that cement production is the largest source of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions than fossil fuel consumption.

Therefore, a marine biologist named Brent Constantz and then make a cement of the rock by adding a combination of calcium and carbonate. As a result, these reefs are not less cement with ordinary cement.

Calera cement plants owned Constanz capable of producing 1100 tons of cement rock per day, could reduce carbon dioxide emissions of 550 tons. With the growing housing needs, is expected to cement this type could reduce carbon emissions in a significant amount.

6. Solar Impulse HB-SIA
Solar Impulse HB-SIA is emission-free aircraft capable of broadcasting a day and night, or rather for 26 hours, 9 minutes 10 seconds. The aircraft, powered by four electric motors with a capacity of 10 horsepower supplied by solar cells and lithium polymer batteries.

The plane that can reach a height of 28,500 feet (8686.8 meters), it is the first aircraft that can fly all night with solar energy collected during the day. This aircraft offers hope of faster modes of transportation that do not rely on fossil fuels.

7. 3-D Bio Printer
Invetech and Organovo company headquartered in San Diego USA, has developed a dot matrix printer to produce a layer of body or organ of the human body.

This printer has two print heads, which spray a gel that gives form to the print head while others fill them with living cells obtained from patients themselves.

Printers that have a level of precision in a matter of microns, it is able menyediakani various organs such as kidneys, hearts, including dental, for people in need, without waiting for a helping hand from other donors.

8. Straddling Bus
The bus or buses straddle straddling made by inventors from China, YouZho Song, is believed capable of providing accurate solution of the traffic congestion experienced by many megacities worldwide.

This bus can replace up to 40 conventional buses, so they can save up to 860 tonnes of fuel used 40 buses each year, and reduce carbon emissions by 2640 tons. Transport equipment which can carry up to 1200 passengers do not need much to change this road infrastructure, because he took advantage of space that is so far not exploited.

With an average speed of 40 km per hour, the buses that use electricity and solar energy, it claims could reduce congestion by 30 percent on major roads. The plan, the company Shenzhen Huashi Future Parking Equipment will be testing this vehicle in 2011 on a project in Beijing.

9. Terrafugia Transition
Terrafugia Transition is a car made by the scientists at MIT aircraft that could be rapidly redefining the concept of long-distance travel, directly from door to door.
This flying car sold for less than a Lamborghini - worth U $ 200 thousand, the powered-powered 100 horsepower engine and equipped with parachutes and air bags for safety.

When dikendari into the car, its wings can be folded, but when they want to fly, their wings can be developed. Just need a runway of 500 m to fly this aircraft car. Then, the Transition could carry two passengers (load capacity 200 kg) to fly as far as 760 km with a speed of 105 miles per hour or 169 km per hour.

10. X-51A Waverider
After several decades, the U.S. military finally able to develop a weapon capable of eliminating barriers in speed and accuracy targets. X-51A WaveRider made by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne / Boeing carve endurance record for a scramjet engine (with rocket speed machine capable of compressing the air in the atmosphere).
With hypersonic speed, normally it is very difficult to supply air to the ignition of fuel more than 12 seconds. However, the X-51A WaveRider has a geometry engine and fuel injection system that precision which allows it to happen.

He can go up to five times the speed of sound, explore distance 600 miles or 965.6 kilometers in just 10 minutes. Development of X-51A WaveRider Darpa-funded by the Pentagon, this is a step forward for the application of long-range missile as well as low-cost space transportation.