Sunday, March 13, 2011

Other Japaness automotive manufacturers face tsunami disaster and Mazda Head Office get luck to be safe from the Tsunami

Hiroshima - Surprisingly, Japan hit by quake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale, far greater than Aceh. However, an earthquake followed by tsunami waves did not arrive ravaged Mazda's headquarters in Japan.

"The earthquake was most severe area of ​​northern Japan, the highway was the tsunami waves swept away the circumstances, including the cars are also others,"said the Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan.

But it's lucky, Mazda's headquarters and assembly centers located in Hiroshima, it is located about 1,000 km from the location of the worst. Indeed, the earthquake shock was also felt here, but no damage was reported.

Japanese manufacturers are sure, no one was injured and manufacturing activity was not until stopped, everything is still running according to schedule.

"Although we predicted, may dealer in the north of Tokyo has been affected by the earthquake and tsunami," said Jeff Guyton, President and CEO of Mazda Motor Europe.