Sunday, March 20, 2011

The optimistic prediction will come true sooner or later that World Motorcycles Market Power Shifting to Electric fueled motorcycles

CHINA - Just like a car, the influential principals of motorcycles in the world is also currently transfer the oil-fueled conventional technology transfer to electric fueled technology. Based on the research world research company, Pike Research or PR noted that there were 466 million motor bikes and electric scooters going to be sold from 2010 through 2016.

"From a demographic and economic studies, market potential is very large electric motors in the world. In some countries, these vehicles will become an engine of the real sector as well as new consumer behavior change signal from the conventional motorcycles to the electric motorbikes," said Dave Hurst, one industry analyst , as quoted, Tuesday (16/02/2010).

From the results of public relations research, the motorcycle market in the Asia Pacific region and China will dominate the absorption of motorcycle products in the world. From sales figures noted, the region accounts for more than 96 percent market share worldwide in the next six years. Even a prediction showed that 56 percent of the market will be dominated by the electric bicycle products, followed by 43 percent electric motors, and electric scooter 1 percent. Although the production activity of a number of producers have not seen today, the biggest obstacle obliged to be faced by producers is the complicated distribution.

"Many manufacturing companies continue to work diligently to expand the network of dealers, retail sales, to explore the world on-line. The goal, to increase sales as well as after-sales service," said the study results.

By this analysis, the use of fuel saving campaign will be globally irreplaceable, even going to touch all levels of society, including motor users who mostly come from the middle to bottom.

In the end, it is not the car only without any voice taking on the road, but it is also a quiet electric motorcycles.