Monday, March 21, 2011

its wise policy for alternative energy to transform cassava and palm oil into alternative energy in overcoming the crisis of fuel oil

State Minister for Research and Technology Kusmayanto Kadiman asserted, technological advances are now able to transform cassava and palm oil into alternative energy in overcoming the crisis of fuel oil (BBM).

"Cassava can be processed into ethanol and palm oil into biodiesel which it can be utilized by mixing ten percent of the four types of fuel," said Kusmayanto Kadiman told reporters in Sanur, Bali, on Wednesday (13 / 7). Before opening the Marine Forum Meeting Indonesia (The Indonesian Ocean Forum 2005 and the 13th PAMS / JECSS Workshop), he argued, the mixing of fuel with 10 percent of bioethanol and biodiesel is possible, according to the provisions established internationally.

"If 10 percent of the fuel mixture which it can be manufactured in Indonesia, will greatly assist in saving fuel usage," he said.

Indonesia in the preparation of the 2005 State Budget to allocate funds for fuel subsidies amounted to Rp 90 trillion, with the calculation of oil in the world market price 35 U.S. dollars per barrel.

However, current conditions in the world market oil prices reach very high per barrel, which it would greatly affect the state financial subsidies.

Therefore, several alternatives to save on fuel usage has been offered, including cassava processing technology and oil palm.

Research and Technology to assess, the application of farm product processing technologies must be supported by government policy, for the private sector and investors are interested in applying these technologies.

Application of cassava processing technology and palm oil as fuel mixing materials can not be done by the government, he said, who claimed to have discussed the possibility of applying these technologies in a cabinet meeting.

Cassava processing into bioethanol technology is already applied in Lampung, but its capacity is still very limited. "The product of bioethanol as a gasoline blending material I have to apply to the official car and 30 bus employees, no problem," said Minister of Technology.
If both types of fuel mixing materials that can be produced, will be able to save at least Rp 9 trillion in fuel subsidies in a year, so Kusmayanto.