Monday, March 21, 2011

It's very rare but it's real because of the Nuts, Car Strike

Warwick: What nonsense unexpected events that sometimes afflict us. One of them, it is experienced by a British citizen this. Newslite proclaim, Thursday (17 / 3), John Gold who suffered damage to the car, it was very surprised when I saw the airways filled with hundreds of car nuts.

59-year-old man's car was being parked in his garage in the City of Warwick, England. When you wish to drive, the car will not start. Apparently, after being reviewed by a mechanic, there are hundreds of beans that meet the airways system.

Apparently squirrels assume water property Boxes Gold is the best peanut storage. "In 42 years working in car repair, we have never seen anything like this," said Jason Perry, manager of Bosch Car mechanic.