Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's better to find out best result and probably now it's still tested, however, little progress is achieved tha t Shell Enrich Diesel with Nitrogen

ATLANTA- To improve the quality of diesel products in the United States, Shell adds the element nitrogen. The results - based on tests conducted - it is claimed more efficient diesel consumption to 4.8 percent compared with the same fuel type but for the old standard.

Nitrogen is added by Shell to diesel with ultra low sulfur levels. Compared with the last type of diesel, it's saved only 1.3 percent. He further, tests conducted on heavy trucks working on the "stop & go" is very heavy or traffic jam. Shell diesel mention this as the "
Enriched Nitrogen " and the new America is available in Atlanta, Georgia.

He further, nitrogen is added to protect the injector from sulfur crust. Not explained, whether the additional nitrogen is the special diesel price rises. Likewise prosestase nitrogen content is added.

In modern diesel engines, sulfur levels affect the same performance and engine durability.