Friday, April 1, 2011

Fantastic Hyundai Sonata Hybrid will be produced for Domestic Market soon

SEOUL- the biggest automotive exhibition in South Korea "Seoul Motor Showw 2011" with the theme "Evolution, the Green Revolution on Wheels" has been opened to journalists, yesterday (30 / 3), while the general or public make a new opening tomorrow. As the kind and careful host, the country's largest car manufacturer of fantastic Hyundai display of new promising Fuel Cell Electric vehicles(FCEV), named by Sonta hybrid and Blue2 Hybrid for the domestic market.

"We are incessantly introducing world class products with the best quality to cope with potential market conditions," said by Steve S Yang, brilliant President and CEO of Hyundai Motor. In particular, he continued, Hyundai focus on improving better quality and it developed environmentally friendly technologies to contribute to the optimistic community.

Amazing Sonata hybrid was exactly introduced last year in the event of the New York Motor Show. Green sedan uses a 2.0 liter powerful engine with an electric motor that has sufficient power 30 kW with 6-speed automatic transmission.

The engine power for the domestic market has increased to 188 from the previous HP 148 HP and 40 HP electric motor. Reasonable Fuel consumption is 21.0 km / liter and it is claimed to be the best in its same class.