Friday, April 1, 2011

Elegant Nissan rejected statement of building parent company in collaboration with great Renault

OSAKA - Authorized Principal of Nissan Motor Co. as Japanese automaker. (NMC) argued that his interested party together with its outstanding partner Renault SA of France considers to be in the same parent company (holding company).

In fact, according to AFP news agency, today (31 / 3), the famous Nikkei newspaper in an official interview with brilliant Nissan President of Carlos Ghosn mentioned that the Russian car manufacturer Avtovaz (25 percent owned by Renault), and Dacia (Romania) and Renault Samsung Motors - which is a potential subsidiary Renault company - including the one umbrella.

Careful Nissan spokesman rejected the report and it is mentioned as speculation news. "Mr Ghosn said that Renault and Nissan will lead to a single holding company," said official Nissan spokesman Mitsuru Yonekawa. Ghosn, he added, it is only confirmed that the prospective alliance will continue to grow.

If it materialized, the amazing Nikkei was said in an official report this wonderful morning, the first car maker from various countries around the world under a single holding company. The company, continued by the Nikkei report, will exactly arrange the continous development, reliable production, and effective sales strategies with each unit working together to implement measures, including exchange of personnel and technology.

Other Profit learned with one umbrella, it is very helpful to expand the complicated use of common components and it is procured jointly.

Just to remind, Elegant Nissan join hands with amazing Renault from 1999. Fantastic Renault now has 44.3 percent of Nissan, while Nissan exactly owns 15 percent stake in Renault.